50 years and not hear, nor prove it. This is George Clooney, who came to lightly mark the half century (6th May) in with all uphill, both in terms of professional and private. Was delighted, at this point in his life, satisfied, and things like marriage and children, even now that seems to have achieved stability in the sentimental side of Elisabetta Canalis, still does not think.
We see that the idea of "putting my head straight," meaning to bind stably to a single person and establish a family, does not fall in his future projects. Too pleasant life of this magnificent male specimen (I may say so!), And between one set to another, always finds time to spend a holiday at his villa in Laglio on Lake Como (which, however, is apparently thinking of selling, and buying an even more luxurious Lake Garda), and running in motion in the golden streets of California.
His Ely follows it faithfully, without, of course, expect more. During an interview with Larry King, George has spoken of himself across the board, stating, with regard to a possible second marriage (the actor was briefly married to Talia Balsam in the '90s): "This time I have shown how I am a good husband.
Enough for me. " And, by the desire (not received) and fatherhood: "Every child running around my garden makes me nervous, makes me think that it is not the ideal candidate for the position of father of the year. When I feel the need to be surrounded by children and have a great family name is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and I ask them to come and stay with me for a while ', just to remind me of why I'm so happy that way.
" Clear message of clarity, I would say! But the handsome George also spoke of his career, the early television in the role of Dr. Ross in the cult TV series ER, when he was 33 years, felt a little 'it says on the fame and success: "When you're young you believe it when people they say you're good.
It 'a danger, you risk inhaling. Anyone who tells you that you're a genius, which are not. If you understand, you win. " And George, with his talent ever wasted, with his film choices and civic courage and intelligence, has certainly won. But 50 years? As you can see, a sex symbol like him as a man of middle age? "I looked up in the air - that film was nominated for an Oscar in 2009 - and I wondered who was that man with gray hair.
That was me. I do not ever make movies I do and it begins to look at. " Campione d 'irony, as you can see! But, ultimately, "The 50 years I do not weigh, age is not bad." So, definitely not. Congratulations, George! 

We see that the idea of "putting my head straight," meaning to bind stably to a single person and establish a family, does not fall in his future projects. Too pleasant life of this magnificent male specimen (I may say so!), And between one set to another, always finds time to spend a holiday at his villa in Laglio on Lake Como (which, however, is apparently thinking of selling, and buying an even more luxurious Lake Garda), and running in motion in the golden streets of California.
His Ely follows it faithfully, without, of course, expect more. During an interview with Larry King, George has spoken of himself across the board, stating, with regard to a possible second marriage (the actor was briefly married to Talia Balsam in the '90s): "This time I have shown how I am a good husband.
Enough for me. " And, by the desire (not received) and fatherhood: "Every child running around my garden makes me nervous, makes me think that it is not the ideal candidate for the position of father of the year. When I feel the need to be surrounded by children and have a great family name is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and I ask them to come and stay with me for a while ', just to remind me of why I'm so happy that way.
" Clear message of clarity, I would say! But the handsome George also spoke of his career, the early television in the role of Dr. Ross in the cult TV series ER, when he was 33 years, felt a little 'it says on the fame and success: "When you're young you believe it when people they say you're good.
It 'a danger, you risk inhaling. Anyone who tells you that you're a genius, which are not. If you understand, you win. " And George, with his talent ever wasted, with his film choices and civic courage and intelligence, has certainly won. But 50 years? As you can see, a sex symbol like him as a man of middle age? "I looked up in the air - that film was nominated for an Oscar in 2009 - and I wondered who was that man with gray hair.
That was me. I do not ever make movies I do and it begins to look at. " Campione d 'irony, as you can see! But, ultimately, "The 50 years I do not weigh, age is not bad." So, definitely not. Congratulations, George!
- George Clooney: Too Pimp For Politics (23/02/2011)
- George Clooney Not Experienced in Sex Scene: Costar (28/08/2010)
- George Clooney invests in '$700 Billion Man' (14/04/2011)
- Video: George Clooney Brings His Megawatt Smile to Dinner With President Obama! (22/04/2011)
- George Clooney Contracted Malaria in Sudan, Announces Details on CNN (21/01/2011)
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