Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pregnancy among the first symptoms even really want to stay

When a pregnancy is in its infancy, there are various symptoms that a woman is found to experience, for some, the most popularly known as the nausea and the typical "want" to hear about himself is not a surprise, while others capture the expectant mother totally unprepared. One of these "side effects" of expectant mothers, especially during the first quarter, is sleep.

A great weariness, want to sleep in odd hours and sleepiness during the day even if you sleep well at night, are perfectly normal at this stage of gestation. Of course it is a symptom that varies from woman to woman, some is very strong, others hardly notice it, but if you're pregnant and you catch yourself wanting to throw to first on the bed (or couch) available for a nap ...

do not be alarmed! Sometimes, this sense of daytime fatigue, insomnia is night or sleep disorders. This too is an absolutely normal, we see the causes. The woman's body, when it receives a new life, undergoes a series of major and rapid changes, some of these purely hormonal. Progesterone, which is exactly the pregnancy hormone, also affects sleep patterns, reducing the duration of REM sleep, where dreams and sleep is deeper.

Besides this, the volume of the bump that grows and any night cramps in my legs (although they are perfectly normal), may disturb the mother of the future. As regards, however, the drowsiness the first few months, is due to fatigue your body, forced to "overwork" to deal with all the new functions that you called.

The advice is simply to pander to the signals your body. If you have the possibility, even schiaccetelo a nap every now and then ... will not hurt at all! Infusions, and some specific yoga exercise to relax can also help in case of insomnia.

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