To feel healthy enough a few easy steps. Galbraith helps us in the pursuit of health with some valuable advice. First you should consider the human body as if it were an engine: the fuel or food, is what gives us the energy to live our days. If you choose the best fuel, the engine will run better. At the same time, because the engine runs efficiently, we must treat it well and revise it when needed.
Correct power supply and physical activity are the indispensable foundations for a healthy body and fit. The right diet provides several daily servings of fruits and vegetables, cereals and vegetables that are sources of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Cereals and legumes are also important because they also contain protein.
Not to be overlooked is the right amount of fat: the best are those of vegetable origin (such as olive oil and seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts) and those derived from fish preferable to animal fats (like butter, cheese, cream , meat, sausages). Another foresight on intakes of sugar and salt. How often do you add a teaspoon of sugar to coffee or tea thinking it will not affect on the contribution daily calorie? How often add salt to food? Instead you should be careful because both are present naturally in many foods.
Sugar is in fact already contained in foods such as fruits and milk. The salt is already present in many processed foods. Too much salt can result in exposure to diseases like hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Not to forget the taste of your food, choose the herbs, spices, lemon juice or acetate to season.
Restrictions on sugar and salt, but the total green water: on average it should drink at least 6-8 glasses a day. You can also get 2 liters, especially if you do sports and dog days in which you need maximum hydration. It is however important to make sure that alcohol in large amounts can be harmful to the body, especially if you have the tendency to gain weight.
Finally, remember that there are no good foods and bad foods. As also suggested by the food pyramid, the secret is the variety: you have to eat everything in small portions and do not overdo it especially when it comes to fat and calories. There are little tricks that help to avoid mistakes: for example, did you know that fats such as olive oil, butter and margarine, a serving equals approximately 10 grams? Or that the middle portion of cooked vegetables is equivalent to what may be in the fist of the hand, while the raw vegetables a serving is a handful and a half? Thanks to the suggestions of Galbraith, eating healthily and keeping fit is not difficult: why not start from the beginning to want more? 

Correct power supply and physical activity are the indispensable foundations for a healthy body and fit. The right diet provides several daily servings of fruits and vegetables, cereals and vegetables that are sources of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Cereals and legumes are also important because they also contain protein.
Not to be overlooked is the right amount of fat: the best are those of vegetable origin (such as olive oil and seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts) and those derived from fish preferable to animal fats (like butter, cheese, cream , meat, sausages). Another foresight on intakes of sugar and salt. How often do you add a teaspoon of sugar to coffee or tea thinking it will not affect on the contribution daily calorie? How often add salt to food? Instead you should be careful because both are present naturally in many foods.
Sugar is in fact already contained in foods such as fruits and milk. The salt is already present in many processed foods. Too much salt can result in exposure to diseases like hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Not to forget the taste of your food, choose the herbs, spices, lemon juice or acetate to season.
Restrictions on sugar and salt, but the total green water: on average it should drink at least 6-8 glasses a day. You can also get 2 liters, especially if you do sports and dog days in which you need maximum hydration. It is however important to make sure that alcohol in large amounts can be harmful to the body, especially if you have the tendency to gain weight.
Finally, remember that there are no good foods and bad foods. As also suggested by the food pyramid, the secret is the variety: you have to eat everything in small portions and do not overdo it especially when it comes to fat and calories. There are little tricks that help to avoid mistakes: for example, did you know that fats such as olive oil, butter and margarine, a serving equals approximately 10 grams? Or that the middle portion of cooked vegetables is equivalent to what may be in the fist of the hand, while the raw vegetables a serving is a handful and a half? Thanks to the suggestions of Galbraith, eating healthily and keeping fit is not difficult: why not start from the beginning to want more?
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