Friday, July 1, 2011

Tips for Preventing and Combating ingrown hairs

Ah, the ingrown hairs. They are painful, they are unsightly and tend to make their appearance in the most sensitive parts of the body such as the groin after shaving. Especially in summer, it is important to implement strategies to prevent and combat ingrown hairs so you can flaunt a bikini without being ashamed.

Interested in the topic? Learn how to get rid of unsightly ingrown hairs. What is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs? The scrub is ideal for dry to prevent ingrown hairs and smooth the skin dry scrub removes dead cells without irritating the skin. Choose a natural bristle brush to use on dry areas where the ingrown hairs make their appearance.

Exfoliate every day for a few minutes to stimulate circulation and gently exfoliate the skin. The hair should be at least half a centimeter long, so you can be caught and torn by the wax with the whole root. The razor is the worst enemy of ingrown hairs, and prevents hair on the groin with a razor or you'll get a nasty surprise.

When you try to delete a bit too short with the tweezers may be that the hair will break and there is another one that begins to grow beneath it. To avoid this you need to remove the hair too short or ingrown hairs already is far better to exfoliate dry regularly.

Ingrown hairs will grow extensively in the groin area, but also the sides of the legs because the clothing rubbing on the skin and break the hair. Any type of friction can create a ingrown hair, but also a hair incorrect. After waxing (remember that waxing is the kind of hair best way to avoid ingrown hairs) is good to wait at least three days before wearing a thong or pants too tight and you can reduce irritation by applying a fluid and soothing moisturizer on clipped area.

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