When it comes to children's health, we must hundredfold attention that we have made in administering medications. If we know that paracetamol should be avoided for children, especially if the fever is low, there are other measures that relate to the antibiotics that we should not forget. Pediatricians, therefore, cautioned from using them too freely, just to get the opposite effect.
"The indiscriminate use leads to the development of antibiotic resistance phenomenon that is to say that whenever a drug is used antibiotic, it can happen that are selected bacteria resistant to the drug itself - says Giuseppe Di Mauro, president Sipps (Italian Society of Preventive and Social Paediatrics) -.
This leads to very often, a possible relapse of the infection in children, this time more difficult to treat because the bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic. " What to do? Not allarmiamoci segniamoci and a short drive - only 5 rules - that pediatricians advise parents to avoid mistakes when you are in the presence of infection there is a need to resort to antibiotics.
First, pediatricians advise against any action without a medical indication, but let's look at five rules: before administering any drug should always consult your pediatrician, antibiotics should not be used for colds or flu, pediatricians also debunk belief that the presence of yellow or green mucus in nasal secretions would mean the presence of bacterial infection, because even in this case, the antibiotic should not be given, once we start antibiotic therapy is important to administer daily doses for all the time period specified by the pediatrician, once the therapy, they have to throw antibiotics already open.
These measures are absolutely necessary, especially after the last pharmacological analysis see Italy in first place among EU countries for use of antibiotic. Each drug, when used out of proportion, not a cure, even damage our health. 

"The indiscriminate use leads to the development of antibiotic resistance phenomenon that is to say that whenever a drug is used antibiotic, it can happen that are selected bacteria resistant to the drug itself - says Giuseppe Di Mauro, president Sipps (Italian Society of Preventive and Social Paediatrics) -.
This leads to very often, a possible relapse of the infection in children, this time more difficult to treat because the bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic. " What to do? Not allarmiamoci segniamoci and a short drive - only 5 rules - that pediatricians advise parents to avoid mistakes when you are in the presence of infection there is a need to resort to antibiotics.
First, pediatricians advise against any action without a medical indication, but let's look at five rules: before administering any drug should always consult your pediatrician, antibiotics should not be used for colds or flu, pediatricians also debunk belief that the presence of yellow or green mucus in nasal secretions would mean the presence of bacterial infection, because even in this case, the antibiotic should not be given, once we start antibiotic therapy is important to administer daily doses for all the time period specified by the pediatrician, once the therapy, they have to throw antibiotics already open.
These measures are absolutely necessary, especially after the last pharmacological analysis see Italy in first place among EU countries for use of antibiotic. Each drug, when used out of proportion, not a cure, even damage our health.
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