Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stress, depression and insomnia make you fat

Stress, depression and insomnia are a very dangerous mix that not only makes us feel bad, but that, moreover, also makes us fat. Being stressed and depressed condition is already a very bad and dangerous but also joins the mix becomes explosive insomnia and you tend to gain weight, or at best not to lose weight if you are following a calorie-restricted diet.

These are the data emerging from a study conducted by doctors from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research. A recent study by researchers at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research and later published in the journal International Journal of Obesity raised the question of the tendency to gain weight in patients prone to depression and anxiety crises.

The study was conducted on a sample of 472 obese adults who were followed up with a weight loss program for six months after for the next six months, were left free to see if you could keep the weight under control or whether they were subject struggling to take back the lost pounds. People who have managed to lose more weight, to do so more easily and not take the pounds lost are those who slept better and had a quiet life, so no stress and depression.

To lose weight so do not you just eat less and better, but also to control our mind, be calm, without anxiety and depression. This means following a comprehensive program, supported by a psychologist, a dietician.

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