Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thalassotherapy, a different bathroom

Thalassotherapy a practice that goes back to companies Phoenician, Greek and Roman and is based on leverage all the benefits of the sea, and not only water but also sea air, seaweed or mud, can contribute to our body and mind. Thalassotherapy advocates are based on the similarity of the composition of seawater and blood plasma to support this technique enhances the absorption of these elements, such as iodine and sodium, and renewal in our blood.

As a result, Thalassotherapy becomes a recommended treatment for a wide variety of physical illnesses such as heart or respiratory problems, rheumatism, osteoporosis, etc. But also promotes relajaciĆ³npor practice what is right for you if you have problems with stress, insomnia or depression.

There are different types of treatment to apply this discipline, from spa to swimming pools, jet baths, algae and mud massage. However, today we focus on one of the most beneficial treatments for our health: the contrast bath. By combining hot water, which promotes vasodilation, the elimination of liquids and greater absorption of seawater components which we have already spoken, and cold water, which causes vasoconstriction, get that massage so beneficial effect.

To implement this treatment, dive into the pool of warm water for 2 or 3 minutes and passed to the cold water for about 30 seconds. To see the effects, it is important to do this process at least 2 times. Thanks to the benefits achieved, this therapeutic approach is increasingly popular and there are already many people who use it to improve their quality of life through the enhancement of physical and mental wellbeing.

Try your advantage, too, and now the incredible offer exclusive to all girls and Cosmo and subscribe to the My Ocio "to enjoy a new experience in the seaside resort of Barcelona by only € 24, saving 68% off (54 euros). Are you going to lose?

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