Monday, March 7, 2011

Hairstyle Step by Step: Semi-picked disheveled

The most important of these hairstyles step by step is the part of 'messy', the most difficult to achieve. Because it is not by fixing hair right out of bed, but there is a process to get that texture so carefree. Before step by step, follow these tips: - If you have frizzy hair, we recommend that you rub it with the plates and you take away volume because if not the style you get is very different from what we .- Those that have the straight hair you should brush and untangle because, as we say, not really messy! It's just an effect.

In both cases, if you have bangs and thick, forget about applying the disheveled look, leave natural. - In any case, if your hair is cut in layers the better will be messy. 1. Choose a product standard for creating and maintaining the hair uncombed. A strong binding foam or styling cream you can be very useful because they offer moving naturalness and textura.2.

Begins to extend the product to dry hair from root to tip, trying to cover the entire surface. To make this easier, you can get all the hair over one shoulder and extend, and then on the opposite shoulder. Then pass a wide toothed comb to finish distributing the fijador.3. Take small sections of the upper and roll from the tip, creating as little ringlets.

Squeeze each strand gently to keep fixed the corkscrew. 4. Now it is time well undo the curls shaking despéinalo hair and unifying the upper with the lower locks. 5. With a wide toothed comb to comb your hair a little mussed tame you've got, and put your hair wherever you guste.6. For the semi-collected, take two strands leaving the tops of the ears, and bring them back.

With a pair of brackets the same color as your hair join them by crossing. You can also make a small bow that will be maintained by the product standard. 7. To comb the strands that frame your face and break a little messy, once you've made the semi-picked up the can mold a bit with the plates.

Ondúlalos extrude slightly and creating a wave half undone. 8. Finally, to keep everything in place, sprayed some hairspray flexible as to avoid disposing party's haircut but allows movement.

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